Notre équipe dinnovateurs et de spécialistes est passionnée par notre amour des moments en famille de qualité dans votre jardin.
Backyard Discovery Lakewood Swing & Play Set (0) 1069. Depuis plus de 30 ans, Backyard Discovery produit des balançoires en bois de haute qualité, des cabines de jeux et des produits de loisirs pour la maison. Our team of innovators and specialists are passionate about bringing our love of quality family moments to your backyard.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on 04:52 PM IST. For over 30 years, Backyard Discovery has been producing the highest quality wooden swing sets, playhouses and backyard leisure products for the home. A preprint version is available via the arXiv database. ECR4Kids ELR-12511 Indoor/Outdoor Peek-A-Boo Caterpillar Climbing Play Structure for Kids, Purple. "The orbits of the planets in our Solar System would all fit inside its event horizon - the black hole's boundary from which nothing can escape."Ī paper detailing the discovery has been submitted to the journal Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia but has not yet been peer reviewed. This item: Backyard Discovery Beacon Heights Elevated Playhouse. "It is 500 times bigger than the black hole in our own Galaxy," said co-author and ANU PhD researcher Samuel Lai. This means anyone with a decent telescope in a very dark backyard can see it comfortably. The black hole has a visual magnitude of 14.5 - a measure of how bright an object appears to an observer on Earth. "Now we want to know why this one is different - did something catastrophic happen? Perhaps two big galaxies crashed into each other, funnelling a whole lot of material onto the black hole to feed it," Onken said. Others of a comparable size stopped growing so quickly billions of years ago. The black hole has the mass of three billion suns.